The Formation of Lions Clubs
Founded in 1917 in Chicago, Illinois, by Melvin Jones and other business leaders as a means of providing an organized effort for individuals to pool their resources and energy for good works in their own community.
Truly International
in 1920, Lions Clubs International truly became International with the first club in Canada: the Boarder Cities Lions Club, now known as the Windsor Lions Club. Two years later, on May 16, 1922, the Ottawa Lions Club joined Lions Clubs International.
Knights of the Blind
7500 Lions gathered at Cedar Point in Ohio in 1925 for the annual convention. Here, Helen Keller gave a powerful address to the crowd, encouraging them to become knights of the blind by using their own sight, hearing, strength, bravery and kindness to assist the blind and visually impaired.
Ottawa Lions Club
1932 - 1933
The Ottawa Lions Club staged a tombola and midnight theater party which raised $1680. Aid was given to families with groceries, fuel, clothing and paying housing rent. The Club donated a community Christmas Tree to the city, and purchased $80 worth of equipment for Lions Ward in Children's Hospital. Uniting with 5 other service clubs, the Ottawa Lions Club conducted a Service Ball to raise funds for charity.
1937 - 1938
The Club purchased dentures for a needy child at a cost of $35, an oxygen tent for Children's Hospital was purchased for $100 and $100 was given to care for children at fresh air camp. $1400 was raised over a 4 day radio campaign, the club was able to provide 354 baskets and 2100 toys for the needy in Ottawa and the suburbs at Christmas time. Held turkey "auction" which raised $319.
The Ottawa Lions Club sponsored Sight Saving Clinic with aid from Ontario College of Optometry - this was the first of its kind in Ontario. 53 pairs of glasses were supplied. Lions formed a reception committee for Greer Brothers of Timmins, who drove their dog team 500 miles carrying an invitation to the Prime Minister.
The club sponsored the Morrisburg Lions Club and presented the newly formed club with Canadian and American Flags and a gavel to preside their meetings.
1942 - 1943
The Ottawa Lions Club welcomed Secretary-General and founder of Lions Clubs International, Melvin Jones.
1947 - 1948
Sponsored the chartering of the Arnprior Lions Club, presented them with gong and gavel.
Growth and Expansion
By 1950, Lions Clubs International had expanded to Asia, South America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand; with more then 400,000 members in 31 countries. Lions Clubs International had become the largest service club organization.
In 1957, the first ever LEO club is formed in Abington, Pennsylvania.
Ottawa Central Lions Club
Sponsored the chartering of the Ottawa East Lions Club.
Our Foundation
In 1968, Lions Clubs International created the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF), a global foundation committed to supporting local communities by enabling Lions Clubs to perform large-scale humanitarian work. Through LCIF, Lions Clubs have been able to make positive and lasting changes around the world. From providing relief during natural diesters to reducing poverty, improving healthcare and education, LCIF is an effective partner in creating a positive impact.
Ottawa Vanier Lions Club
In 1982, the Ottawa Central and Ottawa East Lions Clubs merged together to form the Ottawa Vanier Lions Club.
Peace Poster Contest
In 1989, the Lions International Peace Poster Contest begins.
Moving Forward
The Club celebrated it's 100th anniversary at District A-4's convention in April 2022. The Covid-19 restrictions and a dwindling membership resulted in a smaller celebration.
Today, the Ottawa Vanier Lions Club is rebuilding, attracting new members and continuing to serve. We are looking forward to being able to celebrate the Club's 105th Charter anniversary in May of 2027!